Selling your House to Avoid Foreclosure? But What About the Tenants? Alberta Buyer Will Buy it.
The banks sent you “payment overdue” notices and now you want to put your house up for sale. Obviously! You want to sell your home fast –...

You Can Choose Your Fresh Start! Alberta Buyers Will help
One of life’s biggest ironies is that there is more help available for those who don’t need it than those who do. The higher your credit...

Deferred Maintenance: The Not So Obvious Effect of the Recession!
The obvious: Foreclosures have affected whole neighborhoods in areas that have been hit hardest by the housing bust. There are homes that...

Foreclosures Put Alberta Buyers in the Spotlight.
Every new wave of the Making Home Affordable Program (HAMP), as well as every wave of foreclosures, puts the banks in the spotlight in...

House Counseling Works—A Definitely Maybe Dilemma!
In trouble with your mortgage? Feeling a bit desperate? What to do, what to do? Don’t fall for a scam that offers you quick and ready...

Are you cut out to be a homeowner? Alberta Buyer will help.
This subject came up on Dr. Phil the other day. He asked the audience about mistakes they had made. One person brought up that she had...

Need to Sell Your Home Fast? Sell your house to Alberta Buyers
Spring has traditionally been a hot time for real estate sales. This year, due to the buyer’s tax credit, sales were expected to be...

Reduce Your Days on Market to Fewer than 14 | Alberta Buyers
Current home sellers know that they may have to wait longer to find a buyer these days. The days on market (DOM) in the Calgary area is...

Strategic Default Allows Some Homeowners to Swim Back to the Top
The dilemma today for many considering loan modifications or even considering whether to move from the trial to the permanent phase of...

We Buy Ugly Houses
If you’ve been having trouble finding a buyer for your Calgary home, We Buy Ugly Houses; Alberta Buyers can help. We’ve been buying...